

Contact data

Maris Engineering
Binsfelder Straße 3
D-52351 Düren (new address as per 29/1/2024)
phone +49 2421-2999 580

owner: Robbert Maris
Vat-ID: DE815035383

About the owner

After studying electrical engineering in Hilversum (the Netherlands), which at that time was the only university of applied sciences focusing exclusively on electronics, the owner created a start-up business called Maris Electronics (1984-1990). It concentrated on the development and sales of measuring instruments for the Commodore 64. At that time, a press statement in the US-magazine Byte - “the small systems journal” (see image, click for whole page) represented a highlight in this product’s lifecycle.

Quite a different approach in those days was required between system design and marketing. A smooth transition towards plain design services resulted through the fact that some industrial buyers of measuring instruments (see above) requested different product developments.

A move to Germany (for family reasons) was accompanied by the discontinuation of the firm. Between 1991 and 2008 there were employments in two firms for industrial electronics, a medical (electronics) firm, a university and an innovative machine construction company.

A call from a former customer during the Dutch period generated a new start-up. This time, services in design & development represented the focal point of activities.

About us

From 2009 until the end of 2014 our company consisted of a single entrepreneur. Since then another engineer joined us. At the same time, a greater office accomodation was found.